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卫诗倩 发布时间:2021-09-18 16:45    作者:    审核:吴亮    浏览量:







             Email: weisq_swpu@163.com    



2010.09-2014.06  景德镇陶瓷学院,本科生;

2014.09-2019.06  西南石油大学,博士研究生(硕博连读);

2019.06-至今  乐山师范学院化学与资源环境学院,讲师;

1.   材料表/界面模拟计算

1.   构建高效光催化材料之二维异质结的自组装及去组装,乐山师范学院高层次人才引进科研启动项目(801/205190168),在研

2.   用于高效光解硫化氢产氢的单原子非贵金属催化剂的设计与开发,乐山师范学院学科建设重点项目(801/205190135),在研



[1] Wei S.Q., Wang F., Dan M., Yu S., Zhou Y.* Vanadium (V) and Niobium (Nb) as the most promising co-catalysts for hydrogen sulfide splitting screened out from 3d and 4d transition metal single atoms. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45: 17480-17492.

[2] Dan M., Yu S., Li Y., Wei S.Q., Xiang J. L., Zhou Y.* Hydrogen sulfide conversion: How to capture hydrogen and sulfur byphotocatalysis. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C-Photochemistry Reviews. 2020, 42: 100339.

[3] Wei S.Q., Wang F., Yan P., Dan M., Cen W.L., Yu S., Zhou Y.* Interfacial coupling promoting hydrogen sulfide splitting on the staggered type II g-C3N4/r-TiO2 heterojunction. Journal of Catalysis. 2019, 377: 122-132.

[4] Wan W.C., Wei S.Q., Li J.G., Triana C.A., Zhou Y., Patzke G.R.* N-doped carbon nanotubes on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets: efficient water splitting through synergistic effects. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019, 7: 15145-15155.

[5] Li Y., Yu S., Doronkin D.E., Wei S.Q., Dan M., Wu F., Ye L., Grunwaldt J.-D., Zhou Y.* Highly dispersed PdS preferably anchored on In2S3 of MnS/In2S3 composite for effective and stable hydrogen production from H2S. Journal of Catalysis. 2019, 373: 48-57.

[6] 王芳, 卫诗倩, 蒋帅虎, 赵丰贵, 周莹* 层状Bi2O2CO3可见光催化活性增强机理研究. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2019, 48(7): 2225-2231.

[7] 卫诗倩, 王芳*, 曾凯悦, 周莹 氧缺陷型金红石相TiO2-x(x=0~0.5)光电性能理论研究. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2018, 47(9): 2728-2734.

[8] Yu S., Fan X.B., Wang X., Li J.G., Zhang Q., Xia A.D., Wei S.Q., Wu L.Z.*, Zhou Y.*, Patzke G.R.*Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution with ligand engineered all-inorganic InP and InP/ZnS colloidal quantum dots. Nature Communications. 2018, 9: 4009.

[9] Dan M., Wei S.Q., Doronkin D.E., Li Y., Zhao Z.Y., Yu S., Grunwaldt J.-D., Lin Y.H., Zhou Y.* Novel MnS/(InxCu1-x)2S3 composite for robust solar hydrogen sulphide splitting via the synergy of solid solution and heterojunction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018, 243: 790-800.

[10] Prakash A., Dan M., Yu S., Wei S.Q., Li Y., Wang F., Zhou Y.* In2S3/CuS nanosheet composite: An excellent visible light photocatalyst for H2 production from H2S. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018, 180: 205-212.

[11] Wang F., Li P.H., Wei S.Q., Guo J.X., Dan M., Zhou Y.* The role of electric field in enhancing separation of gas molecules (H2S, CO2, H2O) on VIB modified g-C3N4 (001). Applied Surface Science. 2018, 445: 568-574.

[12] Cao Y.H., Wang F., Wei S.Q., Zhou Y*. The role of potassium in the activation of oxygen to promote nitric oxide oxidation on honeycomb-like h-BN(001) surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2018, 20: 26777-26785.

[13] Zhong Y., Chen W. Yu S., Xie Z., Wei S.Q., Zhou Y.* CdSe quantum dots/g-C3N4 heterostructure for efficient H2 production under visible light irradiation. ACS Omega. 2018, 3(12): 17762-17769.

[14] Wei S.Q., Wang F., Dan M., Zeng K.Y., Zhou Y*. The role of high oxygen vacancy concentration on modification of surface properties and H2S adsorption on the rutile TiO2 (110). Applied Surface Science. 2017, 422: 990-996.

[15] Li P.H., Wang F., Wei S.Q., Li X.Y., Zhou Y*. Mechanistic insights into CO2 reduction on Cu/Mo-loaded two-dimensional g-C3N4(001). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017, 19: 4405-4410.

[16] Wang F., Cao Y.H., Wei S.Q., Zhou Y*. Enhanced visible-light response of metal-free doped bulk h-BN as potential efficient photocatalyst: a computational study. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2017, 23(1): 23.

[17] Wang F., Wei S.Q., Zhang Z., Patzke G.R., Zhou Y*. Oxygen vacancy as active site for H2S dissociation on rutile TiO2 (110) surface: A first-principles study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016, 18: 6706-6712.

[18] Zhou Y.*, Doronkin D.E., Chen M.L., Wei S.Q., Grunwaldt J.-D*. Interplay of Pt and crystal facets of TiO2: CO oxidation activity and operando XAS/DRIFTS studies. ACS Catalysis. 2016, 6(11): 7799-7809.





