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张钰林 发布时间:2022-10-21 15:33    作者:    审核:吴亮    浏览量:


               姓名:   张钰林               


             职称:      讲师                





2009.09-2013.07    四川大学高分子科学与工程学院本科生;

2014.09-2017.07    四川大学高分子科学与工程学院硕士研究生;

2017.09-2021.06    四川大学高分子科学与工程学院博士研究生;


2021.11-至今  乐山师范学院新能源材料与化学学院,讲师;


1.   功能高分子材料合成与改性;

2.   柔性传感材料研究;

1.   乐山师范学院2023年优秀教师

2.   指导学生参加第十八届“挑战杯”黑科技展示活动,获得行星级奖次(国赛二等奖)

1.   基于天然多糖材料合成高强度水凝胶研究(TRCWYXFZCH2024BO3),天然产物与小分子催化四川省高校重点实验室,2024.03.-2025.12

2.   易回收凝胶涂层式太阳能水蒸发器合成与应用研究(23MZGC0111),四川省科技厅,2023.01-2025.12

3.   有机硅改性高分子凝胶涂层用于光热蒸发(2023CL06),材料腐蚀与防护四川省重点实验室,2023.04-2025.03

4.   基于热电材料的新型光伏组件背板制备研究(22ZDYJ0087),乐山市科技局,2023.01-2023.12

5.   技术创新助推乐山晶硅光伏产业发展(2022SC19),四川省统计局,2022.05-2023.12

6.   氢键交联水凝胶的合成与涂层式结构的应用研究(RC2022008),乐山师范学院,2022.10-2027.10

7.   太阳能蒸发用有机硅凝胶涂层合成与改性研究(2022CHX0004)乐山师范学院晶硅光伏新能源研究院,2023.01-2024.12


1.Yulin Zhang, Gan S, Li J, et al. Effect of atomic substitution and structure on thermal conductivity in monolayers H-MN and T-MN (M= B, Al, Ga). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024, 26(7): 6256-6264.

2.Yulin Zhang, Chen X, et al. Construction of highly active FeN 4@ Fe x (OH) y cluster composite sites for the oxygen reduction reaction and the oxygen evolution reaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25(42): 29173-29181.

3.Yulin Zhang, Wang S, et al. Multi-Physically Cross-Linked Hydrogels for Flexible Sensors with High Strength and Self-Healing Properties[J]. Polymers, 2023, 15(18): 3748.

4.Gehong Su#, Yulin Zhang#, et al. Soft yet Tough: Mechanically and Functionally Tissue-Like Organohydrogel for Sensitive Soft Electronics. Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34, 3, 1392–1402.

5.Yulin Zhang, Honglang Lu, et al. Near-infrared laser "weldable" hydrogen bonded hydrogel sensor based on photothermal gel-sol transition. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(48), 16241-16250.

6.Yulin Zhang, Chen K X, Li Y, et al. High-Strength, Self-Healable, Temperature-Sensitive, MXene-Containing Composite Hydrogel as a Smart Compression Sensor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(50), 47350-47357.

7.Yulin Zhang, Yue L, et al. Body temperature triggered customized patterned thermo-sensitive hydrogel for information storage and display. Polymer, 2019, 179, 121637.

8.Yulin Zhang, An R, Han L, et al. Novel Self-Healing, Shape-Memory, Tunable Double-Layer Actuators Based on Semi-IPN and Physical Double-Network Hydrogels. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2018, 303(12), 1800505.

9.Yulin Zhang, Hu C, Xiang X, et al. Self-healable, tough and highly stretchable hydrophobic association/ionic dual physically cross-linked hydrogels. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(20), 12063-12073.

10.Yulin Zhang, Song M, Diao Y, et al. Preparation and properties of polyacrylamide/polyvinyl alcohol physical double network hydrogel. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(113), 112468-112476.

11.Yulin Zhang, Ye L, Diao Y, et al. RAFT polymerization of acrylamide manipulated with trithiocarbonates in poly (ethylene glycol) solution. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(7).


